Crypto Dynamix

Crypto Dynamix


Developers, Engineers, and Seasoned Industry Professionals from the Worlds of Cloud-Native Software, AI & Cognitive Machine Learning, Data Science, Finance, Blockchain Architecture, Algorithmic Design, and Cryptocurrency Investment United Under One Vision: To Retire Quickly!—and Now We’re Sharing

Supercharge Your Crypto Portfolio or Blast Out of the Starting Gate with an Advantage. Leverage the Aggregated Trading Data and Coin Pricing from an Ever-Growing List of Internationally Recognized Cryptocurrency Exchanges, All at Once. Use Real-Time or Scheduled Data to Make Your Own Trades or Take Advantage of Cutting-Edge Analytics and Algorithms for Guidance—You Can Even Choose to Put Your Trading on Autopilot.

As one of Crypto Dynamix beta testers, I got a conservative 360% return in just three weeks. With their continued optimizations to functionality and scope, for me, this is the only way to trade and secure my investments.

Megan Marie Fox, Entertainment Professional

The Volatility of the Crypto World Simplified, Made More Securely Profitable, and Placed at Your Fingertips

Available the way you need it: Real-time, Scheduled, Curated Analyses, Subscribe to a pre-existing package, Request new feeds, customize data, Customize Analytics, customize functionality, customize services, and More… Get in touch with Innovative Dynamix to get started.

Our latest service offering is Crypto Dynamix. We are excited to make its Aggregated Data feeds of the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem available via subscription to anyone. We’ve made it an entirely Cloud-Native Data offering that leverages the Speed, Scalability, and Resiliency of Serverless Operations Natively in the AWS Cloud. We offer a variety of “off-the-shelf” data subscriptions that can directly feed rollup analyses (use raw or integrate with your existing system) or have the provided digital package customized to suit your data, formatting, and/or delivery needs.

Our pre-existing Data & Analysis Products are broken down in the following ways:


Real-Time Aggregated Level 2 Order Books

[Fee based on # of Exchanges requested + # of Coin Pairs requested x Period of Subscription]

  • Receive Raw Real-Time Aggregated Order Book Data from a Customizable Selection of Exchanges and Coin Pairs (as a Kinesis Data Stream or Firehose Data Dump to your S3 Bucket)
    • Select from One to All in our growing list of Supported Exchanges
      • We’re ready to include any additional exchanges requested with an available WebSocket API
    • Choose only the Coin-Pairs you wish to receive or All Coin-Pairs supported on each Exchange
      • Simple Client UI Allows you to add/remove tracked pairs at will
    • Native Format is JSON and contains every Level 2 WebSocket message with all data intact including the Server Side Timestamps
      • Can be transformed into any requested format for a set-up fee

Scheduled Epoch-Based Raw Data Delivery

[Fee based on # of Exchanges requested + # of Coin Pairs requested x Period of Subscription]

  • COMING SOON! Signup now to get on the waiting list and be one of the first to receive the convenience of delivery on your schedule
  • All the same data from the Real-Time Aggregated Order Book feeds, only rolled up at the timing of your choosing and delivered on a schedule to your S3 bucket
    • Data Rollups can be Truncated to only include the Exchanges/Coin-Pairs desired (same option-set as with Real-Time Data delivery)
    • Can Additionally be Truncated to exclude unnecessary data, reducing the size of Data Blob (custom per subscriber)
Currently Available Delivery Epochs
  • Hourly 24/7/365
  • 2/4/6/12-Hour Blocks beginning @ 00:00GMT
  • Daily @ 00:00GMT (can be adjusted to your Time Zone)
  • Weekly @ 00:00GMT Monday AM
  • Monthly @ 00:00GMT 1st Day of every Month
  • Any other Custom Epoch delivery schedule can be set up for a one-time fee

Order Books Raw Aggregated Data Packages

(Private use pricing. Please contact us for Enterprise Packages, Services, and Rates.)

Real-Time Feed or Scheduled Epoch Reports

Exchanges IncludedSelect from the Supported Exchanges for a Fixed Monthly Rate EachSelect 4 of the Supported ExchangesSelect 7 of the Supported ExchangesEvery Supported Exchange
(minus those omitted by choice)
Coin-Pairs IncludedSelect from the Available Coin-Pairs Desired for a Fixed Monthly Rate EachThe 10 Top-Rated Coins by Market Cap + USD Fiat = Available Coin-PairsThe 25 Top-Rated Coins by Market Cap + USD Fiat = Available Coin-PairsEvery Supported Coin-Pair
(minus those omitted by choice)
Basic SupportFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community Forum
Standard Monthly Pricing1Exchange + 1Coin starts at $110$500$950$1,800
INTRO PRICING – Monthly1Exchange + 1Coin starts at $100$350$600$1,000
Save an Additional 15%
Exchanges at $85/month each + Coin-Pairs at $8.50/month each$1,785$3,060$5,100
Save an Additional 30%
Exchanges at $70/month each + Coin-Pairs at $7/month each$2,940$5,040$8,400

Additions & Customizations

INTRO PRICING – Each Added Exchange$100/month, $510/6-months, $840/annual$100/month, $510/6-months, $840/annual $100/month, $510/6-months, $840/annual INCLUDED
(minus those omitted by choice)
INTRO PRICING – Each Added Coin-Pair $10/month, $51/6-months, $84/annual $10/month, $51/6-months, $84/annual $10/month, $51/6-months, $84/annual INCLUDED
(minus those omitted by choice)
Priority Request New Exchange Availability$2,000 or;
$1,000 with 6-Month Sub or;
$500 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$1,000 with 6-Month Sub or;
$500 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$1,000 with 6-Month Sub or;
$500 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$500 with 6-Month Sub or;
FREE with Annual Sub
Standard Request New Exchange and/or Coin-Pair Availability Always WelcomeAlways WelcomeAlways WelcomeAlways Welcome
Advanced SupportContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request Requirements
(Pricing and terms subject to change with 30 days notice. Lock in current pricing before notice by purchasing subscriptions for longer terms. If prices go up, lower price is locked in—if prices go down, a refund will be issued for the difference. Subscriptions cancelled before end of the term will be subject to the pricing of the lesser tiers—ex: an Annual subscription cancelled at 8 months would cost the 6-Month + 2 Monthly terms. A month is never further divided into weeks or days. You will be refunded or owe the difference as applicable.)

Get Started Today


Real-Time Analysis

[Fee based on the individually priced Analysis x # of Analyses Selected x Period of Subscription]

  • Select from our Menu of Real-Time Analysis Triggers that will send you notifications and event triggers every time the Criteria of the Analyses are met
    • Select what format you want the Event Triggers delivered
      • SMS
      • Email
      • SNS/SQS
      • AWS Event Trigger
      • Any Custom Pub/Sub mechanism can be supported for fee

Arbitrage Opportunities Table

[Fee is based on Exclusive Login access to the Real-Time Analysis table.]

  • Access the very same Powerful Analysis our top traders are using across all supported Exchanges and Coin-Pairs
    • Sell High, Buy Low with full confidence using this comprehensive view of the crypto marketplace
  • Real-Time Table of Multi-Exchange, Multi-Currency Arbitrage Opportunities
    • No Triggers for this analysis, just access to the table of available opportunities in Real-Time

Scheduled Epoch-Based Analysis Reports — Standard

[Fee based on the individually priced Analysis x # of Analyses Selected + Schedule Frequency requested x Period of Subscription]

  • Instead of the Raw Data for you to analyze, we have several standard Quantitative Analysis Reports that you can choose to have automatically delivered to you on your schedule
Currently Available Analysis Triggers/Reports
  • Oscillations – Swing Trading
  • Momentum – Price Momentum
  • Pairs Trading – Correlated Pairs
  • Moving Averages – Multiple Moving Average
  • Pivot Points – Support and Resistance
  • Channel Trading – Multiple Channel
  • Market Making – Market Making Strategies
  • Grid Trading – Grid Trade
Currently Available Delivery Epochs
  • Hourly 24/7/365
  • 2/4/6/12-Hour Blocks beginning @ 00:00GMT
  • Daily @ 00:00GMT (can be adjusted to your Time Zone)
  • Weekly @ 00:00GMT Monday AM
  • Monthly @ 00:00GMT 1st Day of every Month
  • Any other Custom Epoch delivery schedule can be set up for a one-time fee

Trading Market Analysis Packages

(Private use pricing. Please contact us for Enterprise Packages, Services, and Rates.)

Real-Time Triggers or Scheduled Epoch Reports

Per AnalysisSelect One of the Available AnalysesSelect One of the Available AnalysesSelect One of the Available AnalysesSelect One of the Available Analyses
Coin-Pairs IncludedSelect One Coin-PairThe 5 Top-Rated Coins by Market Cap Against USD FiatThe 10 Top-Rated Coins by Market Cap Against USD FiatThe 25 Top-Rated Coins by Market Cap Against USD Fiat
Basic SupportFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community ForumFAQs & Community Forum
Standard Monthly Pricing$150 each Coin-Pair$750$1,500$3,750
INTRO PRICING – Monthly$100 each Coin-Pair$450$800$2,000
Save an Additional 15%
$510 each Coin-Pair$2,295$4,080$10,200
Save an Additional 30%
$840 each Coin-Pair$3,780$6,720$16,800

Additions & Customizations

INTRO PRICING – Each Added Coin-Pair$100/month, $510/6-months, $840/annual$90/month, $480/6-months, $840/annual $90/month, $480/6-months, $840/annual $85/month, $420/6-months, $720/annual
Priority Request New Exchange Availability$2,000 or;
$1,500 with 6-Month Sub or;
$1,000 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$1,500 with 6-Month Sub or;
$1,000 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$1,500 with 6-Month Sub or;
$1,000 with Annual Sub
$2,000 or;
$500 with 6-Month Sub or;
FREE with Annual Sub
Standard Request New Exchange and/or Coin-Pair Availability Always WelcomeAlways WelcomeAlways WelcomeAlways Welcome
Advanced SupportContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request RequirementsContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request Requirements
(Pricing and terms subject to change with 30 days notice. Lock in current pricing before notice by purchasing subscriptions for longer terms. If prices go up, lower price is locked in—if prices go down, a refund will be issued for the difference. Subscriptions cancelled before end of the term will be subject to the pricing of the lesser tiers—ex: an Annual subscription cancelled at 8 months would cost the 6-Month + 2 Monthly terms. A month is never further divided into weeks or days. You will be refunded or owe the difference as applicable.)
The AnalysisAccess to Our Real-Time Arbitrage Opportunities Table
Coin-Pairs IncludedEvery Exchange and Coin-Pair We’re Currently Tracking for the Broadest Possible Picture
Basic SupportFAQs & Community Forum
Standard Monthly Pricing$1,200
INTRO PRICING – Monthly$500
Save an Additional 15%
Save an Additional 30%

Additions & Customizations

Priority Request New Exchange Availability$2,000 or;
$1,500 with 6-Month Sub or;
$1,000 with Annual Sub
Standard Request New Exchange and/or Coin-Pair AvailabilityAlways Welcome
Advanced SupportContact for Details, Options, and/or to Request Requirements
(Same terms and conditions as above apply.)


Subscribe to any 3 Analyses as Packages, mix-and-match for Real-Time Alerts and/or Scheduled Epoch Reports, even the Arbitrage Opportunities Table, to earn an extra 5% off—or get an extra 10% off for 5-or-more concurrent Analysis Subscriptions.

Boutique Analysis Offerings

Custom Analysis — Curated Public Marketplace

[PROFIT OPPORTUNITY; No Fee to submit for operation, to self-subscribe is a Minimum Monthly Listing Fee (based on scope) – minimum of 5 additional Subscribers = FREE; 6 or more additional Subscribers = PROFIT]

  • You provide us with your customized Apache Flink (or SQL based) analysis as a Zeppelin Notebook and we will apply it to our Kinesis Data Stream and make it available in the Curated Public Marketplace
    • You choose the Subscription Price for your analysis (at or above a minimum Monthly Listing Fee)
    • Price your analysis at the minimum Monthly Listing Fee—
      • If you are the only Subscriber to your analysis then you will pay the Monthly Listing Fee ONLY (overhead costs of running analysis)
      • For every third-party Subscription to your Analysis, your Monthly Listing Fee will be reduced by 20% (5th Subscriber, besides yourself, and your listing fee is waived)
      • For every third-party Subscription to your Analysis beyond the 5th Subscriber you will receive 20% of the Subscription Fees collected
    • Price your analysis over the minimum Monthly Listing Fee—
      • If you are the only Subscriber to your analysis then you will pay the Monthly Listing Fee ONLY (overhead costs of running analysis)
      • Once subscriber count x fee + mark-up covers minimum Subscription Fees for all involved, your subscription is free and then start collecting 80% of mark-up price for additional subscribers, on top of the 20% of third-party subscribers’ minimum Subscription Fee
    • Can be Real-Time and/or Scheduled Epoch-Based Analysis deliveries

Elite Custom Analysis — Private

[Fee structures below]

  • If you want to keep your Apache Flink (or SQL-based) Analysis private, we currently have two Option Offerings—
    • HOSTED — Under mutual NDA, we host your analysis in our Account and we send you only the Real-Time Triggers and/or Scheduled Epoch-Based Reports
      • Fee based on resources consumed by Analysis + Hosting Markup
      • Fees may be waived if the Crypto Dynamix platform requests and is granted a non-exclusive license to utilize Analysis solely for Internal purposes with no sub-licensing or redistribution rights and a non-compete for any materially similar analysis. Basically, if you come up with something really unique, we will host it at our expense and wave all related fees for the right to use it internally as well.
    • FAN-OUT — You have your own AWS account that we will Fan-Out our full Kinesis Data Stream into—so, not even we can see what your Analysis is made up of
      • Fee is a premium based on your exclusive secure branch and customizations
      • We can assist you with your AWS setup under NDA and show you how to drop in your Apache Flink (or SQL based) analysis

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